Initial Order
We will send you a Solar Proposal, which will include detailed information about your solar energy project, including information about placing an order.
Detailed Site Survey
Once your order has been placed, we will arrange a convenient time with you so that we can make a visit to the location of the proposed solar array.
We will then conduct a thorough survey of the site and its surroundings to gather essential information, including taking measurements, evaluating health & safety requirements etc., which will allow us to progress the final design, as well as, organise the necessary details for the installations.
Full Design
Following the completion of the Detailed Site Survey, we will take the information gathered to progress the final, Full Design of the solar array and all additional equipment required.
As part of the Full Design process, crucial calculations will be carried out to ensure the system is correctly and safely specified.
Applying for Permissions
In some cases, permissions may need to be applied for and granted prior to work being carried out. Depending on your preference, these permissions can be submitted by yourself or can be included in our proposal. The details of this will be discussed with you prior to you placing an order.
Once all necessary permissions have been granted and the Full Design of the system has been completed, we will arrange a suitable starting date with you for installation work to commence.
Commissioning & Registering
This stage of the process happens once the solar panels have been fitted, together with the electrical appliances, such as the inverter(s). The system is then switched on for the first time, where a number of electrical checks will be conducted by our appointed electrician before being officially signed off as completed.
Once all the final paperwork has been completed, this together with all test results and information will be presented in a useful Handover Pack. It is important that you keep this Handover Pack safe, as you may need to refer to this paperwork in the future.
There will also be an Operation and Maintenance Manual as part of the Handover Pack, which outlines details of how to get started with your system, how to maintain it going forward, and what to do in the unlikelihood of a fault.
Our service does not simply end at the Handover stage. Your system will be covered by a 2 Year Workmanship Warranty, as well as, the products being covered for 5 Years.
Further to this, you can take advantage of our Aftercare Service, which offers annual maintenance inspections, to ensure the system is operating to its full potential and therefore maximising your financial return.