We recently fitted a local residential property with a high specification Solar PV array, designed to blend into the Cotswolds surroundings with minimal impact. To achieve this, it was decided that the Sunfixings In-Roof system would be used to allow the array to sit beautifully within the void left by removing the roof tiles. Once the in-roof trays were installed, the edges were flashed to ensure that the roof would remain waterproof. Next came the installation of the LG 320W modules and the DC cable management, with the SolarEdge inverter located in the loft void. An additional SolarEdge Modbus meter has been installed to allow the home owner to monitor energy usage and determine the best steps to make use of this energy. This solution allows for maximising the solar generation, minimising any unwanted pest interruption and maintains the look of the roof of the property.


  • 14 LG Neon2 320Wp
  • SolarEdge HD
  • SolarEdge Monitoring